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Saturday, March 22, 2025

German Peralta Magik & Edgar Salazar Wolverine/X-23 New Art Releases

We are releasing New pages from German Peralta's HOT new Magik ongoing series Issue 3 and Edgar Salazar Pages from the very popular Wolverine Deep Cuts, Madripoor Knights & X-23 stories.
Germán Peralta Magik (2025) NEW Original Art Release!
German Peralta
Germán Peralta is an Argentinian artist who has worked for Marvel Comics and DC Comics on Axis Carnage, Moon Knight, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Man-Thing, Thanos, Black Panther, multiple Maestro mini series and a Loki mini series. 

He is continuing his run on the HOT new Magik (2025) ongoing series for Marvel.  There are several pages with the new Villain, the Demon Liminal as well as numerous fight scene pages!
Magik 03 Pg 08 Magik 03 Pg 11
Magik 03 Pg 17 Magik 03 Pg 20



Edgar Salazar Gallery


Edgar Salazar currently does most of his pencil work for Marvel Comics but also has done art for DC Comics, Dark Horse, Zenescope, Dynamite Ent. and a few other companies.

Working professionally since 2007, he has provided  the art for titles as Wolverine: Deep Cut and Wolverine Madripoor Knights (with Chris Claremont), X-23 Deadly Regenesis, What if Moonknights, Uncanny X-Men, Edge of Spiderverse, Venom, Carnage, Iceman, Constantine, JLA, Deathstroke, He-Man, Smallville, Stranger Things, Red Sonja, etc.


Wolverine Madripoor Knights 05 Pg 20 X-23 Regenesis 03 Pg 14
Wolverine Deep Cuts 01 Pg 07 Wolverine Deep Cuts 04 Pg 20


New Art

Magik (2025)

Artist(s): German Peralta     Issue: 03     Page: 01

This is the original published art for the Magik (2025) Series.  It is Magik's first solo ongoing series written by Ashl...


Magik (2025)

Artist(s): German Peralta     Issue: 03     Page: 02

This is the original published art for the Magik (2025) Series.  It is Magik's first solo ongoing series written by Ashl...


Magik (2025)

Artist(s): German Peralta     Issue: 03     Page: 03

This is the original published art for the Magik (2025) Series.  It is Magik's first solo ongoing series written by Ashl...


About Splash Page Comic Art

I am an original art representative and dealer who specializes in selling original comic art by modern era artists. I take great pride in providing the type of service that I would expect when I am a customer.

I feel extremely fortunate to represent so many talented individuals. Please check out their galleries to see a wide variety of their original art. If you do not see a piece of art from them, that you are interested in, please contact me.

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