Owen Freeman is a freelance illustrator currently based in the Bay Area of California. Owen graduated with distinction from Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles in 2009, and spent the following year working and traveling from London before returning to the US. Owen has worked with editorial, advertising, film and animation clients, and enjoys sketching on-location whenever possible.
Owen's work has been featured in Communication Arts, American Illustration, and Creative Quarterly as well as Taschen's Illustration Now! 3, Illustration Now! Portraits and recently covers for the Image published comic Lazarus.
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I am an original art representative and dealer who specializes in selling original comic art by modern era artists. I take great pride in providing the type of service that I would expect when I am a customer.
I feel extremely fortunate to represent so many talented individuals. Please check out their galleries to see a wide variety of their original art. If you do not see a piece of art from them, that you are interested in, please contact me.